Family Action for Community Empowerment in Zimbabwe (FACE Zim) is supporting OVC in Mutoko District through income generating projects (IGPs). The ward councilor approached the organization after his observation to other schools previously supported. Musanhi Secondary School received poultry project in 2020 and the project is growing at a fast rate. At the project inception, the school received 225-day old chick and equivalent feeds and chemicals. Twenty 20 OVC were selected for the project management. The project attracted community engagement where the community assisted on building the brooding pens for the project. To date the school has sold more than 4 batches of chicken and the profits were used for school development and to cater for the beneficiaries’ school needs. The school has expanded their project and have two batches running concurrently. They also have a vision of diversifying to other supporting projects such as reviving their grinding mill project.