Marian Madora’s Story [Women Economic Empowerment Ward 27 Makoni District]

Marian Madora has been one of the women who have experience the cold side of life by not having a male figure in the house to head the family. She is widowed and left in charge of seven children to take care on her own. Her road has not been a smooth one since she had to provide food for the family, a roof on their heads as well as building their future by sending them to school which was not so easy on her own. FACE Zim introduced the Rural Women Assembly (RWA) in her village which has empowered and emancipated women.  It also facilitated a life skill training at which they taught women about unpaid care work and the possible projects they could start up, IGA support through provision of revolving funds and gender mainstreaming workshops. Having to learn from these workshops Marian has adopted some ideas that has put her life on a better track

With the skills and knowledge imparted to her by the FACE Zim programs Marian took a challenge of being a builder which is regarded as a male occupation in Zimbabwe. She has become a qualified builder and brick moulder in her village. Marian has also single headedly managed to build her own house as well as for other relatives thus for her daughter-in-law and her late husband’s younger brother

She is building a toilet on her home which is almost complete. It has modern toilet seats and very clean. Gained confidence to address other people, for instance she addressed people on cleanliness and sanitation. She also started gardening where she grows spinach, onions, carrots, beetroot, tomatoes, potatoes and green pepper at her backyard. She uses water from the borehole to water her plantations and she is planning to continue drilling a second borehole which she started to drill when her husband was still alive but had experienced a setback because of his death. She has also moulded some bricks which she   plans to use to finish her toilet.
