Family Action for Community Empowerment in Zimbabwe (FACE Zim) is supporting OVC in Mutoko District through (Life Skills Projects) through the support from OAK Zimbabwe Foundations. The organization strengthened already existing partnership with the schools by extending its support from school fees assistance to broader projects of supporting OVC. Makosa Primary received a piggery project and the project has showed great impact to date. At the project inception, the school received 5 pigs and feeds to start the project. 20 OVC were selected and trained for the project management. The project attracted community engagement where the community is also assisting to run the project. To date the school has sold more than 4 cycles of pork to nearby butcheries and the profits were used for school development and to cater for the beneficiaries’ school needs. The school has extended the pig sties and they have a vision of enlarging their project as well as diversifying to other supporting projects such as poultry and aquaculture.