Agroecology is sustainable farming that works with nature. It also an affordable farming technique/ method as it requires application of organic methods which are sustainable and can be used to build resilience in the wake of a hyper inflationary environment which is incapacitating most communities.
Above are women making a thermal compost with the assistance from the Agritex Officer during an Agroecology workshop held in ward 16 Chiware of Makoni district.After having attended a ToT workshop at Fambidzanai Permaculture Centre courtesy of ActionAid , the Agritex Officer is in this picture demonstrating how make liquid manure from animal waste and water which is used in place of inorganic manure such as Urea and Compound D.As a result of this training 2 Demoplots in ward 19 of Makoni were established and supported with seeds and fencing material. Above are pictures of what is being produced in these demoplots