Empowering the Disadvantaged
The organisation has developed vast interest in working with people differently gifted. A case in point is Mr Nyamombe of Vengere Township in Rusape. Mr Nyamombe is physically handicapped. He joined our Projects a while ago. He was trained in Internal Savings and Lending (ISALs) / Mukando in the year 2006. By then he was a beneficiary of our Action Aid Zimbabwe funded Relief Project. He worked very hard in the ISALSs Project. He was then living in a small temporal make shift shelter but had had a residential stand donated by a well wisher. With no stable source of income, he could not develop the stand and he feared that authorities could repossess the property. When he got the training in ISALs he worked very hard with his group and managed to gradually build a seven roomed house. The house is almost completed to-date and he is letting out part of the house to two families and also running a tuck-shop capitalized from the proceeds of the ISALs Project. The house is now electrified. His livelihood is now secured as he now has constant income from rentals receivable and also profit from the small business.